第一集:治愈孤独 Cure for loneliness这一集的男主角好像是油管上的网红呀最后一个是点睛之笔呀我们都是逐渐被塑造的机器人 第二集:高科技出轨 Getting to know you ,这一集才是致命的前面那么的激情后面那么的绝望; 第三集:健康的选择 一个产品叫做Mist口号是The healthy Alternative呼应题目金锣导航主要的功能是Improves Mental Health但是几个主角使用的时候只能带来的是短暂的提高长期还是有健康的危险的这一集我觉得Mist就是象征着手机为代表的兴奋剂
Such a great movie, I am speechless though. Decent English, but I just want to slap this selfish, shameless bastard. "Can we be friends?" "Don't think too bad of me", How dare you, after walking away like this irresponsiblly after 29 years? You don't deserve her, and you don't deserve happiness, you selfish coward!